Our story and values

Stepping Stone is a low cost members only food pantry. The pantry provides discounted food to people struggling within the town of Bolsover. Our aim is to provide good quality food at low prices to those who most need it.

Freedom Charity

Stepping stone is a part of the Freedom Charity. Freedom provided Debt & Benefit Advice, Housing Support, Mental HealthSupport. The Charity has trained Counsellors. The Oragainastion has run since 2009 a Food Bank. The charity provides housing for people struggling to find a home and is also a training provider with course in radio media, cooking and growing .


To access the food pantry you need to be a member. Membership is £5 for the year. If you would like to become a member please drop into one of our three centres and our team will be able to help you. You can also join online please click on the link below.